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  • Do I need a permit for a new residential well?
    Permits for new residential wells are required in the following counties in our service area: Baker, Calhoun, Dougherty, Early, Lee, Miller, Stewart, and Terrell Counties. If you live in one of these counties, contact your local health department to request permit information. Even if a permit is not required in your county, Georgia and Alabama both require a Notice of Intent to Drill form to be submitted to the county health department by your licensed well contractor. Andrews Drilling Co., LLC is licensed in Georgia and Alabama and follows applicable rules and regulations to properly and safely install your well. You can find more information about residential well recommendations on the Georgia Department of Public Health website.
  • Do I need a permit for a new irrigation well?
    Georgia To construct and use a new irrigation well with a casing size larger than 4" in diameter and capable of producing greater than 100,000 gallons of water per day, Georgia landowners must obtain a Permit for Farm Use of Groundwater from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Before the permit is issued, the landowner must apply for and receive a Letter of Concurrence to Drill Irrigation Well, which approves specifications for well construction. A permit will not be issued until EPD has reviewed and approved the well construction information. Georgia EPD has the authority to inspect the construction of any well, and will often do so prior to approving permit applications. If a well is not correctly constructed or does not pass inspection, a Permit for Farm Use will not be issued. Andrews Drilling Co., has extensive experience constructing irrigation wells to meet the specifications in the Letters of Concurrence and other applicable rules and regulations. We regularly communicate with Georgia EPD representatives and attend scheduled well inspections. If you have any other questions about our role in the irrigation well permitting process, feel free to contact us! Permit applications can be found on the Georgia EPD website. Alabama Permits for new irrigation wells are not currently required in Alabama. Andrews Drilling Co., LLC is licensed in Alabama and constructs quality irrigation wells that meet state rules and regulations. For more information on our irrigation well services, contact us today!
  • How do I maintain my residential well?
    The Water Systems Council national organization recommends the following to maintain your well system and water quality. More information on well maintenance can be found on the Water Systems Council website. 1. Conduct inspections of your wellhead, including the well covering, casing and well cap several times a year to ensure they are in good condition. If you identify damage, contact your licensed well driller for repairs. 2. Store chemicals at least 100 feet from your well. 3. Do not allow plants other than grass to grow around your well as their longer roots can damage your well casing. 4. Have your well system inspected by a qualified well driller or pump installer every 10 years. 5. Conduct drinking water quality testing annually. Additionally test drinking water if: you notice changes in the taste, color, or odor of you water; someone in the household is pregnant or nursing; there are unexplained illnesses in your family; the area near your well recently flooded; or there are identified releases of chemicals or fuels in or near your well. 6. Inspect your septic system annually for capacity and leaks, pump out the tank as needed (recommended every 3 to 5 years), and make repairs as needed. Andrews Drilling Co., LLC is here to help you with your well repairs. Our licensed drillers have over 40 years of experience assessing and repairing wells and well equipment. Call us today!
  • Should I have my residential well water tested?
    The Water Systems Council recommends testing your private well water: Initially: when your well is first installed, you just purchased a home, or there are no records of testing. Annually: at a minimum, and spring is the best time to test. And if the following occurs: before installing a treatment system; there is a sudden change in color, odor, or taste of your water; someone in the house becomes pregnant or is nursing; failure of your septic system; after a flooding event; or if someone has a sudden unexplained illness. At a minimum, your water should be tested for bacteria, nitrates, lead, and arsenic. You can have testing conducted by a certified or accredited water testing laboratory, your local health department, or a University Cooperative Extension Office. More information on water quality testing is available on the Water Systems Council website and the Georgia Department of Health website.
  • There is an old unused well on my property, do I need to do anything?"
    Wells that are no longer in use and are not properly abandoned can be a major liability for property owners. Improperly abandoned wells can leave large holes that pose a fall hazard and provide an open conduit for contaminants to enter your drinking water source. Improperly abandoned wells have been used by trespassers to illegally dispose of chemicals and waste directly into your groundwater. To properly abandon your well, you must hire a licensed well driller. Andrews Drilling Co., LLC is licensed in Georgia and Alabama. We perform quality work that meets applicable state rules and regulations. Contact us today to help you properly and safely abandon your unused well.
Water Quality Testing Info
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